
31 Mar 2020


It is a known fact that good restaurants and bars usually have long wait times in respect to service response time, and it is also a terrible idea to keep hungry people waiting. Our mobile point of sales platform eliminates the waiting game for customers by automating the process and putting it online, so if you have a mobile device you never have to track down a waitress ever again, or awkwardly try to get the bartenders attention at Manoa Gardens. Furthermore as long as the customer has a debit card on their account they can pay for their services and tip and waitress without even reaching for their wallet. This makes the ordering process less daunting and more convenient for both patrons and the business establishment.


This project is similar to grubhub such that users can order and pay for food on their mobile device and similarity ends there, the following is a list of things that make our platform great:

The features above is intended to eliminate as much interaction between wait staff and customer. The goal is to make the customer feel like, their food appeared in front of them magically. This also allow the restaurant to spend more of their man power moving goods since that is what makes the money.

Mockup page ideas

Some possible mockup pages include:

Use case idea

Some user scenarios:

Beyond the Basics

After implementing the basic functionality, here are ideas for more advanced features: